
CareSpot - Our Family's Spot for Urgent Care!

Same-day Care in Your Backyard

By Kelly Kerr, Publisher, Macaroni Kid Delray/Boynton December 12, 2018

With 3 active boys, we have our fair share of accidents, close calls, and "boo-boos" of all varieties.

So, I was very grateful to have found CareSpot Urgent Care that is a few minutes from our home.

On this particular occasion, we arrived at CareSpot because I was afraid my three-year-old broke his ankle and I admittedly kinda freaked.  

As I was cleaning up after dinner, the boys were playing around, and I heard a yelp and cry after one particular thud that was unlike anything I've heard. 

When I assessed the damage it was very swollen and my toughest kid was clearly in pain. So I grabbed the boys, loaded them in the car and headed over to handle things - like a boss! 

Just kidding... I was trying not to cry!

It was 7:00 at night and I was exhausted and now stressed out and -even worse- heartbroken that my baby might need a cast.  So here we are and  I walk in carrying the toddler and have the other 2 boys in tow. 

We were welcomed, seen very quickly, and treated with a care and concern in a way that I sincerely appreciated.  It is not easy to wrangle 3 kids regularly, no less during a stressful situation, but the staff at CareSpot helped. They were engaging, asking me questions of course, but also directing easier questions to my oldest. I could see he felt important and proud that he was helpful in this situation. 

When they wheeled him down the hall to take an X-ray, I was surprised it was only 2 doors away, and within a few minutes later, they confirmed that it was just slightly dislocated.  It was set, wrapped, and within no time, we were on our way with instructions on how to care for the little dude!  It really was that easy.  This was the first time I had to handle an "emergency situation" without my husband around (He is the calm, level-headed one), so I was really trying my best to keep my cool in front of the kids. 

CareSpot helped me do just that! 

I'm glad that I chose CareSpot over going to the ER because I feel that the Emergency Room environment may have created more stress and anxiety for me AND the kids. CareSpot felt calm, reassuring and simple.  They were affordable - (we are self-pay), but CareSpot also takes most insurances. 

We have since been back a few times - for school and sports physicals, the flu shot, earaches, and stitches. Every time, despite the situation, we are treated well and taken care of quickly, so we are back to our regularly scheduled chaos. :)

Our families closest CareSpot locations are in West Boynton and Wellington, but there are CareSpot Urgent Care locations in South Florida. They are open 7 days a week and have extended hours for when my boys decide to have a Superhero Jump Contest without clearing out the landing site first! 

They even have holiday hours for when you are trying to champ through the family visit but just can't anymore....   CareSpot is there for you.  

You can find directions and more info at and either make an appointment online or just walk in. You can also call ahead! 

Convenient any way you choose.

DISCLOSURE: I was provided compensation for the purposes of this review. All thoughts and ideas are my own.